Preschool Curriculum


FIS delivers a holistic, skills-based, thematic curriculum developed according to the most effective and current international standards. With recent research and curriculum development efforts, FOSCO has collaboratively implemented a solid Benchmark System for the most accurate assessment of each phase and area of development.

The Early Childhood Program is based on the FIS Benchmarks for Language and Communication Development or Literacy, Mathematics and Numeracy, Social and Emotional Development, Approaches towards Learning, Physical Well-Being and Motor Development. This provides our teachers with a standardized set of expectations for each developmental phase against which they can assess each student individually and adapt their classroom practices to best suit the needs of the individual child.

Our teachers incorporate a great deal on hands-on learning activities, and the ‘learning through play’ approach on a daily basis. All subjects and aspects of the curriculum are delivered in a fun, practical and imaginative way, using an innovative, thematic structure. The curriculum of the school focuses on developing socially secure individuals who are ready to take up the various challenges in life.

The Basics

FOSCO has created a curriculum framework that outlines specific, measurable outcomes. The benchmarks (standards) included in the framework are chosen according to internationally recognized standards of learning.

Benchmark-based assessments determine whether students have achieved the expected standard.

The Benefits

Teachers think about the individual needs of each student and give opportunities for each student to achieve at a variety of levels.

Students are measured against fixed benchmarks rather than against other students.

Helping learners to improve their learning and performance in education, work and life.

The Performance Standards

Children will demonstrate effective personal and social skills
Children will participate as active and effective learners
Children will communicate optimally and effectively in a variety of settings
Children will use their bodies to explore, negotiate and manipulate the environment
Children will demonstrate independence in areas of daily life
Children will engage in a variety of meaningful literacy experiences
Children will demonstrate knowledge of mathematics and numeracy

Letterland for Literacy

Letterland is a child-friendly, multi-sensory system for teaching children to read, write and spell. The secret of its worldwide success lies in its pictogram characters and their ability to make learning fun!
There are three programs: Early Years Program; Program One; Program Two.

Letterland will cross over between years starting from the Nursery Class, through to the Preparatory Classes.

There is some overlapping of materials between the classes as this is part of ‘new curriculum integration’ and serves to fill in the gaps for senior kindergarten students who did not start the program in previous years.

See us in this link:

The Thematic Approach

The Sciences and Social Studies strands of study are covered through a thematic approach allowing an adaptable, child-centered, cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning. In this way, many areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within a theme. It allows learning to be more natural and less fragmented. It allows literacy to grow progressively, with vocabulary linked and with spelling and sentence writing being frequently, yet smoothly, reinforced whilst covering other subjects.

The result of working through the thematic approach is that children: will have fun; will be more actively involved; will develop learning skills more quickly as each one is connected to and reinforced by the other; will be more confident and better motivated; and will present fewer discipline problems.

A Healthy Learning Environment

Every child will be safe at school, both physically and emotionally.
All children will be treated fairly regardless of race, creed, national origin, economic status, gender, or age and each child will be treated as an individual.
Staff is experienced and well trained.
Any negative or cruel behavior among students or between students and staff will not be tolerated.


At FIS, our classroom management and discipline policies are all based strongly on positive reinforcement and student motivation. Recognition is given to children’s progress throughout our school. We have weekly and monthly awards for achievement and merit. A school graduation is held for KII students at the end of each school year.

Regular “in-class” and “school-wide” contests and events are scheduled throughout the year, and successful students are awarded accordingly to reinforce continual encouragement and recognition of effort, attitude, enthusiasm, knowledge and skill.

At FIS we have a weekly assembly, attended by the entire school, for the awarding and receiving of “Super Star of the Week” certificates. These weekly goals are curriculum-linked and collaboratively designated by the teaching team.


Curriculum appropriate assessments are administered regularly to evaluate a student’s readiness, monitor progress and diagnose learning difficulties. We use a variety of formal and informal assessment tools to evaluate written, oral and practical skills. Comprehensive written reports are completed twice yearly at the end of the school term for every class. We also send home Progress Reports to keep our parents informed about monthly goals and milestones that their child achieves.

Opportunity is made to meet informally with the individual class teachers through appointment or attendance of school events; and formally through participation in our parent-teacher conferences held biannually. We recognize the importance of regular communication with our parents and encourage parents to participate in school activities. We welcome any suggestions or feedback from parents and classroom teachers are always happy to meet and discuss your child’s learning and welfare. Parent Teacher Conferences and Parent Information sessions are held twice a year.


Educational field trips are organized by the school as and when academic demands deem appropriate and with written permission from the parents. Students travel outside of the school campus to visit places of interest once or twice per year. Then during the Summer Program, more fun activities and field trips are planned with a more social or physical experience in mind.


After a two-week vacation in June, we open our Summer School Program from the beginning of July to the end of August. We offer an exciting variety of indoor and outdoor activities depending on availability of teaching staff and venues. Classes will continue daily to review and consolidate concepts taught over the past year.

The Kindergarten and Early Childhood class activities include classroom projects (centered on a theme), field-trips, swimming, and other outdoor activities to keep interest high among the children. We also use this opportunity to prepare the 5 year old class for the transition into our Elementary School section in the new school year.

Research shows that students who attend summer school are better-equipped to meet the academic challenges of the upcoming school year and are more confident in their own abilities.

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