International Day 2020

As global citizens, we encourage our students to be aware and understand diversity in our world. To support our mission of cultivating world knowledge through culture, we recently hosted our annual International Day at FOSCO International School on October 9th.

We began the day with “The Parade of Nations.” Students dressed up to represent countries around the world. We took beautiful photos with different nations and waved our flags with pride and appreciation. Our Russian friends joined the fun and even performed for us! Their puppet show taught us a great lesson: working as a team can create greatness.

Our theme song this year was “Hello to all the Children of the World,” which our lovely 5th graders performed with their ukuleles, key board, and beautiful voices. Preschoolers and Spanish Club students performed the Spanish song, “Cinco Monitos” (5 Little Monkeys) and displayed their Spanish skills!

We awarded the best Student Country Presentations and Best in Costume. Students were so proud!

Afterwards, students received passports and traveled around our “Nations Stations” and participated in fun and educational activities.

We ended the day with a delicious buffet with food around the world prepared by FIS Chefs and our Russian friends.

Happy International Day!

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